Safety Tips for New Parents
As a new parent, understanding risk is at the forefront of our minds. There are many preventive measures in the pediatric chain of survival we can do each day to protect our little ones!
Take your shoes off in the house!
Simple, right? When we are outside and walking throughout the house with our shoes on, we run the risk of bringing in outside objects in areas where our little ones like to play. Rocks, dirt and brush from outside are high risk choking hazards in the home!
Child proof – Everything.
Plugs in outlets, locks on lower cabinets and anchoring heavy furniture are all great ways to prevent potential injury, especially when our children begin to crawl and walk!
Vacations Are Included.
That’s right- even when we think we are clear of safety concerns on family vacations, it is still equally important to be aware of your child’s surrounding! Wherever your family trip is, be sure to monitor the physical space and always have an exit strategy!
Car seat installation isn’t as easy as it looks (trust me!)
It’s always a great idea to call your local fire station and ask if they can help you install your children’s car seat. Be sure to read the manual thoroughly to ensure vehicle safety in the event of a collision! Also be sure to register your car seat and follow up on any safety recalls!
Bottom Line- Always be sure to check off step 1 of the pediatric chain of survival- Prevention.