Are Online Only CPR Classes Legitimate
Hey guys, thanks so much for joining us today. We're just running through some frequently asked questions in the CPR and AED industry, and one of them that always comes up for us, it's a really big one, is can I get my certification online only? So the answer to this is, you can get your training online only. You can do online-only courses, and typically they're pretty engaging. They'll have interactive role-play scenarios; they could have quizzes and videos and things that really engage the learner and are actually really good. The issue then becomes, oftentimes these are not universally or nationally accepted for workplace or OSHA-regulated training.
It’s important to understand what the purpose of your training is. If you're just a new parent or a new grandparent or just somebody in the community that wants to be able to help in emergency situations, a certification is not always necessary, just the general knowledge of knowing what sudden illness looks like, what Cardiac Arrest looks like, how to respond to those types of things. And it's really great that people do that. But again, if you're looking to get a valid certification that is standards-based, that is nationally accepted, you do want to go into an instructor-led or a hands-on course.
Whereas if you're just doing online only, there are like I said, a lot of great programs out there that offer that. Just understand that if it's for work, if it's for regulation, if you need it for a job, it's probably not going to be accepted or recognized as accredited. So you do want to really make sure you're looking into what types of organizations you are completing your online or your in-person training with. Oftentimes the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association are great starting points to figure out what type of training it is you're looking for, what type of person you are in terms of why you want to get the training, what's the purpose of it. And again, for that general knowledge and just to really be comfortable with responding to emergencies, those online courses are great and, again, they're very engaging and could be useful.
But if you are looking to get certified, you do want to make sure that you are attending an in-person instructor-led program that is accredited and nationwide. So a couple of things to consider for you as you are looking into getting training and getting certification.